My Favorite Ways to De-stress

Man, oh, man! The past few months have been so incredibly stressful! There is so much craziness in the world and unknowns. My heart keeps breaking for all the graduating seniors, healthcare workers, and my sweet brides and their postponed weddings! Therefore, I wanted to share some of my all-time favorite tips for de-stressing so we can all be just a bit more mellow!

Read a Book - When my world gets crazy, I like to live in someone else’s for a little bit. Lately, I have been reading Big Little Lies ( seriously amazing!) and Hustle (to keep me motivated). Also, please share your favorite books with me in the comments below! I would love to add them to my collection.

Take a Bath/Take a Moment - Baths are one of Intern Riley’s favorite things to do. She’s found that if she is able to relax her body and muscles than my mind soon follows. Light some candles, play some calming music, throw in some Epsom salts, and run yourself a nice hot bath! Also fun fact that she has recently discovered, they make tea bags for your bath! You can buy them on Amazon and they are seriously amazing. I love to do all of the above, but just sitting and taking a moment for herself. Keep lighting those candles + playing your music, girl!

Go for a run- It’s no secret that I love running! I am a big believer in the runners high and love the sense of accomplishment I get after a good run. When your brain is focused on keeping going, its hard to pay much attention to the rest of the world

Do some yoga - I get running isn’t for everyone, I really do. However, I think exercise is so important in clearing your mind and getting you in a positive mindset. Yoga is another way I love to move my body, stretch my muscles, and focus on all the positives. There are a million and one yoga videos to follow along to on youtube or join a studio and take some zoom yoga classes while stuck in the house!

Bake! - Or cook, if that’s your jam. Whether you find a new recipe to an old favorite search Pinterest for a brand new thing, go ahead and indulge! Bake some goodies and share them with your loved ones. Sit around the table eating them and talking about your day… as if you haven’t spent the entire day together. And finally, send those recipes my way because I would love to try out some new ones!
